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HOWTO capture with "VLC" from Canon HV20 High Definition Video Camera
28 June 2007 .

VLC is an open source package downloadable from:

There is no camera transport control so cue up the tape manually.

Menu:File Open Capture Device

In the "DirectShow" Tab
Open the Dropdown list "Video Device Name" and select your Camcorder.

If it does not appear then click on "Refresh List" then look again. You may need to
do this twice.


You do not need to take any action regarding "Audio Device". In the case of video cameras, the "Video Device" delivers both Video and Audio.

Check the checkbox "Stream/Save" then click on "Settings"

Checkbox "File" then "Browse" to give a file name for your captured video.

Check the box "Dump raw input" then click "OK"


This will return you to the "Directshow" form

Make sure your video is cued up, paused and ready to roll.

Click OK again and start the video running on the camera.

There is NO INDICATION of anything happening while you are capturing.

STOP the video on the camera.

In my experiments I have been waiting about 5 sec then I close the VNC program.
I do not know yet if I need to do this but with there being nothing in the way of progress indicators,
I wanted to make sure that the capture is ending.

Hover the mouse over your capture file to check that it is ready.
While still processing the system reports "0 bytes"

After some time (10 sec to 2 minutes depending on size, the weather, I can not see a definite pattern yet!) you will find that the file is there and is of an expected size.
The file is now ready for use with your video editing software.